After 3 years of giving men a hard time for not ending the workout late, It happened to me.  It happened exactly one week after I busted Cousin It’s chops about the very same principle at the very same AO.  Today I ate crow.  This is how it went down.

The Route

  • Right on 14th
  • Left on Elm
  • Right on 1st
  • Left on 5th
  • Left on 10th
  • Right into Brook Valley
  • Right on 14th
  • Back to the Flag

The Format

Groups of 3 played follow the leader fartlek.  Partner A leads as fast and as long as desired.  Partners B and C try to keep up.  When partner A, throttles down the timer starts for a 2 minute rep.  Rinse and Repeat rotating leadership through the Partners for the entire run.



If you are going to bust someone’s chops, you have to remember that you may be getting the exact same in return.  Today, I miscalculated and we ran 9 instead of 7.  Fortunately, the forgiving pax only reminded me of that about 30 times.  I ate crow today.   It was served hot and it was delicious..

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