RunForgiven this week fell on Day 6 of the @f3WashingtonNC Anchor Challenge. We had another great turnout this week with 11 PAX showing up in the gloom.

A few of the PAX met up at 0500 for an EC 1.25 miles and then circled back to the AO at 0515 to meet up with others.

Cornhole led part of the group for the following:

  •  5-minute warm-up walk
  •  1/2 mile run
  • 1/4 mile walk
  • 3/4 mile run
  • 1/4 mile walk
  • 1/2 run
  • 5-min cool-down walk

The remainder of the group were able to get in another 4.5 miles of running for a total of 5.86 miles in just under 52 minutes.

Great work men!



TClap |