KB Q School

Russian KB Swing x 10 IC

American KB Swing x 10 IC

Alternating Single Arm KB Swing x 20 IC

Dead KB Clean x 10 each side IC

Long Cycle (LC) KB Clean x 10 each side IC

KB Rack Squat x 10 each side IC

KB High Pull Goblet Pry Squat x 10 IC

KB Push Press x 10 each side IC

KB Lawnmower Row x 10 each side IC

Alternating Dead KB Clean and Snatch x 5 each side IC (clean and snatch = 1)

Alternating LC KB Clean and Snatch x 5 each side IC

Single Leg Stiff Legged Deadlift Knee Raise x 15 IC each side (5 w/ KB in right hand, 5 with KB in left hand, 5 with KB in both hands)

Single Leg Stiff Legged Deadlift KB Clean x 10 each side IC

KB Overhead Backward Lunge x 5 each side IC

Finisher Circuit for last 13 minutes

6 stations, rotate off wall balls

1 – 10 wall balls (thruster toss) with 20 lb slam ball

2 – KB Cleans

3 – KB Lawnmower Rows

4 – KB Merkin Kick Through Bridges

5 – Med Ball Swing Throws

6 – Med Ball One Legged Pass Throws

Prayer Requests: Monsta’s colleague, Vedder’s colleague, Gazelle’s recent loss of his grandfather, T-Bone’s father

Announcements: YHC has the Q tomorrow at #TheCommons


Pub Ruck next Friday at 6:30 starting at The Commons


Moleskin: YHC loves the opportunity to teach KBs to new PAX. KBs can be very intimidating and can do more harm than good if not taken seriously and used appropriately. They can really mess up your back, shoulders, and wrists in particular. We had a great crowd and put in a lot of good work. After hearing from Bono that we’d have an FNG, I thought I would have to keep it simple. After we got going I couldn’t help but include some more dynamic moves. After all, who doesn’t like a good challenge. Saturday’s aren’t the best days for fellowship during the workout because we are focused on the work but I’m thankful for Coffeeteria that follows. Now that it is colder we are going to scrap Broga until the weather gets back in the 50’s. In it’s place we are going to EC Ruck 2 miles from 6:15 – 7. Come out and join us!

TClap |