The day started out the night before, when it occurred that there was a calendaring issue and no Q was identified.  YHC, the site Q, had to pull together a last minute beatdown. The challenge facing me was it had to be done in 30 minutes before lights out and a worthy enough challenge to whip the Pax into shape following a long weekend of over indulgence of food and relaxation.  Needed to put a stop to any backsliding!!


Welcome –

-Disclaimer –  Listen to your body. If  you’re not challenged push harder. If you need to slow down- slow down. If you need to modify-modify.

Warm up-

  • 10 Burpees OYO -slow as this is a warm up (not knowing there were more to come at a faster pace).
  • 20 SSH (IC), 20 IW (IC) 20 Buttkickers (IC)

The Thang –

Warm up mosey to Pool building.

  • Burpees EMOM:  4 sets of 12
  • 20 Peter Parkers (IC), 20 Plank Jacks (IC), 20 Parker Peters (IC)
  • Burpees EMOM: 2 sets of 12

Fast Mosey to picnic tables/bleachers

15 box jumps

15 dips

15 derkins

repeat x2


Mosey to street lights.

Suicides surprise. Only disclose one light at at time.

Sprint to 1st light and back -20 Merkins

Hold plank for Six

Sprint to 2nd light and back – 40 LBC

Hold plank for Six

Sprint to 3rd light and back- 20 Merkins

Sprint to 4th light and back -40 LBCs

Hold plank for Six


Mosey back to circle up for count off and Name-O-Rama, prayers and announcements.

Prayers- Matlock surgery tomorrow. Aaron and Robin battling with cancer. The Oden family for the loss of their patriarch and challenges that comes with that.  Also the 12-2 Shine the Light event this weekend that people will be served and experience the warmth of Christ.


Moleskin –

It was an great morning to be outside. A balmy 34 degrees provided the right temp to get the blood flowing.  The sky was amazingly clear as the constellations watched over us. While doing LBCs I noticed the Big Dipper giving a nod of approval but suggesting that we should have done another round or Burpees EMOM.  The overall intent of this work out was to keep the heart rate up as I heard in a previous workout that cinderblocks were tough but heart rate wasn’t challenged enough.  Hopefully mission was accomplished.



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