Scotty Moe and Bartman gave YHC an emotional headlock to Q in the Village. With pathfinder training officially starting 11/1, YHC has been exploring the ruck magazines and stumbled upon this WOD titled the 700 club. The workout consists of 7 exercises for 100 reps and this is how it went.

100 merkins

Recovery mosey to the stop sign and back

100 squats

Recovery mosey to the stop sign and back

100 WWII’s

Recovery mosey to the stop sign and back

100 rock curls

Recovery mosey to the stop sign and back

100 donkey kicks

Recovery mosey to the stop sign and back

100 leg raises

Recovery mosey to the stop sign and back

100 SSH’s

Mosey to the wall for high knees 100x/peoples chair

Back to the flag for Mary. Hip thrusters and LBC’s 100 each


Prayer requests:

Dr. Randy Parker


Seal’s father-in-law

Praise for birth of Bench’s niece

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