When Cousin IT asks you to Q a workout because you are one of F3 ENC’s OGs (should we rename that to OP?) you say yes, and you feel honored. As you all know, I am a runner. I did not become one until after joining F3 over 5 years ago, but here I am, scrawny arms and all. However, before becoming a runner and learning to neglect the bootcamp workouts (not proud, but it’s a fact) I was a regular at the BLP workouts, and I use to give a pretty mean beatdown (at least I thought I did). So, I decided to try to deliver in a similar style I would have several years ago.


Mosey around ½ mile circle to warm up

Jack Webb – ¼ – merkins/hallelujah up to 10/40

Mosey around ½ mile circle to cool down

Lt. Dan – ¼ – lunge/squats up to 5/20

Mosey to the picnic shelter

11s – dips/irkins

Superset – foot release squats 10x/table walker rinse/repeat 3x

Mosey to the flag

Wind sprints – didn’t keep count

Mary for the last 5 minutes






All the guys put in great work this morning and as I type this I can feel the pain. The best part of this morning in my opinion wasn’t the workout but it was the Ball of Man where we discussed the racial tensions in our society and Mr. Belding opened up and shared a bit of his story. It was heartfelt and real. He urged us to listen with open minds and to recognize that sometimes we don’t see the full picture because we have limited experiences. I am proud to call Mr. Belding my friend. Not because of the color of his skin, but because he is a true HIM, a man with courage and faith. I want to tip my hat to all the men who were there this morning for listening to Mr. Belding and giving him the space to be heard. That’s POWERFUL!!!


TClap |