We warmed up as much as we could.  Because so many Fartsacked plans on the workout was changed!

We mosied to the shelter for some “FUN”


50 step ups,100 squats,200 lbcs

in between reps we ran to top of slide platform then we cam back down as one only should!

After the fun was over we mosied to the rock pile picked out our winners and went to the circle

20 curls, 10 merkins, merkin walk to the rock to the right. last man bear crawl to the front rock

20 extensions, 10 merkins, merkin walk to the right, bear crawl to the front for the last man again

20 shoulder press, you guessed it merkins and walking

rinsed and repeated x2

mosied to the wall

balls to the wall, then peoples chair, the chicken peckers, then LOW SLOW LUNGES to the edge, bear crawl back


Hustle to the flag for a merry led by the pax.

finished with prayers for pax and family

always thanks for Redbox over the last year!

TClap |