
Good Mornings x 20 IC

Squats x 10 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Take a lap


The Thang

Bell Snatcher

12-10-8-6-4-2 KB Snatches (alternate each arm)

After every round, perform

8 Burpees

16 Air Squats



20 to 1 for time

Goblet Squats

Russian Swings


Balance Moves


Hip bridge straight left leg extended right arm Floor Presses x 10

Warrior 3 Alternating Rows (standing on left) x 10

Hip bridge straight right leg extended left arm Floor Presses x 10

Warrior 3 Alternating Rows (standing on right) x 10


Knee Up Halo Pass Throughs (alternate clockwise and cc) x 10

Bottoms Up Clean Backward Lunge with right side x 10

Knee Up Halo Pass Throughs (alternate clockwise and cc) x 10

Bottoms Up Clean Backward Lunge with left side x 10


Right Knee Kneeling Windmill (KB in left hand) x 10

Alternating Corkscrew Switch Arm Presses x 10

Left Knee Kneeling Windmill (KB in right hand) x 10

Alternating Corkscrew Switch Arm Presses x 10

Prayer Requests: my home situation with the M, Aquaman’s mom, all those battling anxiety, depression, etc. through this time of uncertainty

Announcements: Memorial Day Murph audible. We will be doing another Hero WOD, PAZ, with just bodyweight. 530 and 615 start times at Boyd Lee.

Cash In: 1 lap around Boyd Lee

22 min AMRAP of

23 Squat

7 Burpees

14 Merkins

Cash Out: 1 lap around Boyd Lee

Moleskin: Mumblechatter was awesome this morning and we had a powerful COT. Thanks for coming out! Welcome FNG Plain White T (PWT)!

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