
SSH x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Sumo Squats x 10 IC

Merkins x 10 IC


The Thang

KB Complexes


Swing, Swing High Row, Swing, Snatch x 5 each side IC


Two Handed Clean, Squat, Press, Deadlift Jump x 10 IC


Bottoms Up Clean and Press x 5 each side IC


Deadstart Clean, High Pull, Snatch x 5 each side IC


Single Leg Hip Bridge, Floor Press x 5 each side IC


Deadstart Clean, Press, Overhead Reverse Lunge, Kneeling Windmill x 5 each side IC


Corkscrew Clean & Press x 5 each side IC


Single Leg Deadlift, Row, Clean x 5 each side IC


Single Arm Up Down, Swing x 5 each side IC


Turkish Get Up x 2 each side IC

Rinse and Repeat double time. Yes sir!

Prayer Requests: Slalom’s dad, Grout’s 2.0, Cable’s job search and praise for selling his house, the state of our country

Announcements: Sasquatch pre-blast is up! Check it out: https://www.f3enc.com/backblasts/csaup/sasquatch-2020-pre-blast/

Moleskin: I tried to fake the PAX out with my pre-blast plug on Slack, but they know me all too well and didn’t fall for it. I guess I’m just too predictable for it to not be as simple as it sounded. Regardless, 13 PAX showed up and got after it. Thanks for posting. It’s fun watching guys get stronger and more comfortable with kettlebells. Special shout out to Slalom: your TGUs were money. Strong work!

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