In the interest of making the quarterly fitness assessment available to all, YHC scheduled one for today at Breakdown. It looked like this:

Circle Up/Welcome/Introduction

Warmup (12 reps each except for POA):

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Good mornings
  • Good evenings
  • High Knees

The thang (aka the assessment):

2 minute AMRAP for each exercise:

  • Merkins
  • World War 2s
  • Squats

2 mile run (aka 4 laps around the Boyd Lee Track)

All of which took us until 6:15.

COT: counterama, name-o-rama, prayer requests, took a knee and prayed out, and took a picture.

Thanks and T-Claps to all who posted.

TClap |