It was a little warmer today than it has been here recently in Kinston and we were joined by two studs from F3ENC, thanks for making the drive, Bono and Reroute!  This was my first rucking Q and I had made a deal with Never Happened that if he HCed I would wear some Christmas Pajamas, so I did.

We began with a simple warm up

Good Mornings (x10 IC)

Abe Igotas (x10 IC)

Count off and group into 3 teams.

Moseyed on over to the outfield of the baseball field.

There are 4 light poles and a foul pole at Barnet.  The Pax were instructed to do 5 reps of an exercise at each pole going there and back.

1st Time

5 Squats and 5 Mericans at Each Pole Totaling 50 Squats and 50 Mericans

Once your whole team was back, you took off on 1/3 of a mile loop to bring us back to the outfield.  Last team back got a punishment.  That was team one so they did 20 tricep dips.

2nd Time

Two Handed Rifle Carry in between each one of the poles.  5 Curls for the Girls at each pole.  Totalling 50 Curls and maybe .15 or so miles of rifle carry.  Once the whole team is back you do the 1/3 of a mile loop.  This time the last team back was team three so their punishment was to carry our three sand bags over to the soccer field (though YHC referred to it as a football field and caught plenty of grief).  Once there we got in lines with our teams.  Each team had a 60 lb sand bag.  Taking turns with our teammates we threw the bag down and back the 100 yard field.  Once all teams had completed we took off on our 1/3 mile loop taking turns with who carries the sand bag.

We got close to being back and team one (YHCs team) realized we were without our FNG! We went back and got him and everyone returned to the flag for COT by 6:15.

Prayer Requests: Bono’s friend, Lee Howell(Deputy), Jamie Rouses Family, Chestnut’s Father in Law, and anything that YHC forgot/didn’t write down.


Knight School tomorrow at LCC 5:30-6:30 Shortstop on Q

Double Play(Bill Faye Park) 7-8 Cold Cut on Q

12 Days of Christmas is next weekend, asking guys to sign up to bring Gatorade, water, oranges, bananas, protein bars.

TClap |