Circle Up, Face the Flag. Remove your Covers. Pledge of our Allegiance to the United States of America Flag. Ruckt up, begin with 20 Squats. Arm Circles F/B, Hallelujahs. Count off 1 and 2, for two columns. Head out after grabbing extra CMU’s from the back of YHC’s truck.

We exchanged as we ruckt each 1/4 mile, heading out toward the Court House. Phunny seeing a great crowd of men as we each took positions on the steps with Cinder Blocks. We spread out and completed lots of calf raises. Headed again up 4th, some folks up front made an executive decision to turn without directions….Well, such choices had consequences.

Gathered out in front of parking deck where lot spaces are numbered. And what ever number a man stood was the number of whatever poison came their way. So, if a man was in spot #3, he did 3. He then would have to keep a taut plank until the 6 completed theirs. I believe the highest lot number was 39.

SQUATS was the first dose of sweet tea pain. Then, LUNGED about 50 yards (still with CMU’s). Flip Flopped toward the ‘Tea River’. Then CMU’s overhead (thanks to the Ivy League man, called Haavaad –  who had no CMU, just his Ruck) we all kept ruckt up. Went to the DECK. At the bottom, we Lunged up, then PLANKed for the 6. Did a 20 Count……………CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Patch and Padre can move . The Car was out on the street. Whew!! No, dead squirrels!!

HEADED up some more with BACKWARD CMU TOTING LUNGES. Short Round was smoking while Showboat was well….Showboatin while sittin on a CMU.

SQUAT THRUSTING-20. CMU SWANGING, 1st 20 then next time around Silverado blessed us all with 30. Padre and I had to defend our right for Double Respect today. One day however, if these youngsters are blessed to live as long will get the chance in qualifying for the ‘Denny Special’.

Who was that man with Swishy Pants? Time to head on back to the 116. We were on ‘Mission’, huh Patchy?

Got back. Planked…tight Core, keep you know what level. Count each to 10. Now 8:00.

COT: Reach out to some even if they do come some. Reach even harder for those not seen..

Benches Mom. Stabler co-worker’s husband passed at age 53. Covid recovery ppl.

God is Good. Act like HE is my frens.

Next time




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