Wow, what a day!!! after 10pm and YHC is finally sitting down to update the Pax.

We really had a great time of fellowship and brotherhood. I really appreciate the men that came out this morning and pushed each other to become better. Work out went a lil something like this…


  • SSH IC
  • Squats IC
  • 5minute run around the parking lot


  • we spent about 10 minutes loosening our shoulders, hips, knees, and backs. The chatter was chirping and so were the birds.

HIIT- Three rounds of three exercises. 45 seconds as hard as you can, then 15 seconds active rest.

  1. high knees, burpees, monkey humpers

Moseyed to Murphy Mountain

2. Slighly different- run stairs/calf raises/run stairs/dips- three rounds

3. split into 2 teams.

  • 1 pax ran to the top and back while team held peoples chair
  • repeated the relay holding balls to the wall


  • Freddy Mercuries/LBCs/Box cutters



Prayers for the Furlough family and the Wintergreen school family.

Prayers for Minnesota’s friend that passed suddenly.


Life is so precious, so fragile. You never know what others are going through and what demons they’re fighting. It’s times like these the yhc is reminded that you never know how much a kind word, action or even a smile might change the course of someone’s struggle. Be good to each other. Hold your loved ones near to you and never take your blessings for granted. Overflow out into this world you that you might brighten it and leave it better than you found it. Love ya’ll!!

Panther outttttt!!!!

Going to bed!!!


TClap |