It is always good to be multi-faceted and I always enjoy the challenge of Qing somewhere I may not always be familiar with.  It is no secret that I am probably classified as a Runner and not a Rucker, but I can Q a good one every now and then.  Unfortunately, I am not always familiar with some of the terminology and correct protocols, but luckily had some veterans there to keep me straight.  The workout went like this:

July 25th is 6 months until Christmas, and today being the 21st, I figured that this would be a great plan to spread some holiday cheer.  Today we would celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas, but also our good buddy Chimi posted, so he was the gift that kept on giving!  See, anytime someone mentioned Chimi, we had to stop and do 10 merkins.  You could say his real name or Chimichanga, but just saying Chimi meant 10 merkins.  This was a nice twist and as always he was a good sport about it.  We rucked around the park stopping every few minutes to add a day.  The reps correlated with the day, and as we added a day, we always went back to Day 1. exercises we as follows:

Day 1- 1 arm or staggered merkin

Day 2- Burpees

Day 3- Shoulder Tap Merkins

Day 4- Lunges

Day 5- Squats

Day 6- Joe Warners

Day 7- Squat Thrusers

Day 8- Chest Press

Day 9- Ruck Swings

Day 10- Prisoner Squats

Day 11- Cleve Climbers

Day 12- Beast Toe Taps

Lots of good mumblechatter for the days and the PAX pushed through and we all finished the 12 days and back to the flag.

Prayer Requests/ Praises:

Classified and his 2.0’s recovery.  A really powerful story that he shared.

Patch- 8 pending Covid Cases, prayers for negative results.

Families making decisions about school and work.

Recovery for our fearless Ruck Ready leader Skynard


Hoppy Hours- Thursday at Mporium 5:30.  Good way to hang with your bros and support one!

Ice Cream Ruck starting at Minges to Simply Natural.Tuesday/ Thursday.


I was really looking forward to this Q and thankful for Skynard to ask.  Rucking definitely presents a different challenge for me, but I am always willing to do it.  One of these days I am going to do a GoRuck event!  Glad Chimi came out and keep his family if our thoughts and prayers as they are trying to sell their house and start the next chapter of their lives in their new family home.

TClap |