Email The Q (GMO)
Our workouts are open to men of all fitness levels and are organized to keep the entire group together while ensuring a thorough beatdown for all participants. Our model, in which leadership of the workout varies from day to day and week to week, means that workout leaders — “Qs,” in F3 lingo — are constantly introducing new exercises and ways of doing them. Because participants are challenged and pushed in new ways every day, they achieve an all-around fitness that makes F3 guys supremely fit for endurance challenges, including mud runs, obstacle races, triathlons, marathons, long-distance relays, rucks and all manner of other adventure challenges. On Saturday, August 1, 2015 we started a home-grown annual CSAUP called “The Sasquatch.” Check the ENC Live Stats CSAUP Tab and Signup for an event!
While the classic F3 workout (Boot Camp) requires no equipment other than workout clothes, gravity and the great outdoors, our growth has allowed regional leaders to introduce specialized workouts, including gear-focused workouts that include: kettlebells, rucks, and sandbags. We also have several run options, including one on a track. Check out the Exicon to see an example of some possible exercises.
F3 workouts take place at publicly accessible venues, including parks, school campuses, churches — even in parking lots! Often times we find ourselves out on the roads, we remind all PAX that Safety is First and Highly Recommend the NoxGear Tracer360 Visibility Vest (use code F3NFIA for a 35% discount and free shipping).
And while the vast majority of F3 workouts launch before the sun is up — largely because that’s the time of day when F3 guys can be most certain of being able to control their schedules — often we also offer evening workouts.
Looking for a challenge??? Try one of these!!!
Check the Calendar for the Q Schedule and #Signup to Q!
Going to be out of town, find how close a workout is to you!
Looking for a workout? Here they are (List and Map views!):
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