- Pax: Bookworm (RESPECT), Clipper, Fruity Pebbles, Otown (RESPECT), Stabler
- Extra Credit: Fruity & Stabler
Fruity was a true HIM this morning and met YHC for a little EC Ruck action and we were able to log about 3 miles. Knew numbers might be low due to first chilly morning but Fruity and YHC were joined by Bookworm, Clipper & O-Town to make it 5 PAX for Buildup. After the pledge, YHC informed the PAX that we would be celebrating YHC’s recent 44th Birthday this morning and the number 44 would play a key role in the workout… after that, we were off…
SSH x11 IC
Good Mornings x11 IC
Michael Phelps x11 IC
Imperial Walkers (3 count) x11 IC
For a total of 44 reps
PAX then got down in plank position and we each did a merkin around the circle until we hit 44 merkins
We then moseyed to the first intersection on the BLP track. At the intersection, YHC told the PAX that he would call on two PAX at each intersection. One PAX would choose an arm/shoulder exercise and perform 22 reps. The next PAX would choose a leg/ab exercise for 22 reps; for a total of 44 reps at each intersection. Some of the exercises included; merkins, squats, derkins, flutter kicks, Carolina dry docks (x2) and hallelujahs.
After the four intersections, we moseyed to the picnic shelter. At the shelter, PAX performed 44 reps of each of the following exercises; step-ups, dips, LBCs and pull-ups (lots of mumblechatter with the 44 pull-ups)
We then moseyed to the rock pile where the PAX chose 4 exercises (11 reps each) while rotating rocks after each exercise. Exercises included; curls for the girls, OH press, goblet squats and bent over rows.
After we disposed of our rocks we headed back to the grassy area near the flag. At the one end, YHC instructed the PAX that there were four trees and at each tree, PAX would perform 11 reps of an exercise. But to get to the next tree, PAX would rotate between bear crawls and crab walks and the PAX would stick together. The four exercises included; WWIIs, WWIs, J-Los and Hallelujahs
Headed to the wall next for a round of People’s Chair and BTTW with you know it… a 44 count!!! Back to the flag for COT…
Prayer Requests
- Injured PAX
- Stabler’s brother and his family in CA
- Our 2.0s
- PAX suffering with addiction
- PAX with the upcoming Holiday season
- Clipper has his VQ Monday at the Collard Patch
- GrowRuck 26 end of March. Get Right Boys!!! And if you can’t or don’t want to participate, we still need your help with the support team
Until next time…
Stabler Out