- When: 12/24/2021
- QIC: RedBox, ShortRound, Patch, Grout
- Pax: 2-Stop, Arkansas, Bench, Blueprint, Bono, Bookworm (RESPECT), Breezy (Gorham), Captain Obvious, Charlie Brown (RESPECT), Clipper, Cousin IT, Deep Dish, Doppler (Smith), Duff, Fruity Pebbles, Grout, Haavaad (RESPECT), Half-Pipe, Lynard Skynyrd, Ma Bell, Mad Dog, Madoff, Man Can, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Padre (DOUBLE RESPECT), Patch (RESPECT), Punch Out, Quick Shot, RedBox, Ricky Bobby, Short Round (RESPECT), Soft Shell (RESPECT), Tamagotchi, Tonka, Urraca
- FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Tamagotchi
- Extra Credit: Deep Dish, Man Can, Haavard, Patch, Bench
Did not figure there would be too many folks around for Christmas this year so said that YHC would Q Christmas Eve morning. Well I guess with some many different Friday workouts that may have low numbers it was suggested to go ahead and have a convergence. So all would come to Boyd Lee Park and still have a Run, Stormtrooper, Sandbag/Ruck and Bootcamp option available to pick from.
Short Round and RedBox lead bootcampers
Patch lead the sandbag/ruck workout
Grout lead the runners
Warm Up:
15 – SSH IC
10 – Butt Kickers IC
10 – Don Quixotes IC
20- Arm Circles IC (10 forward and 10 backward)
The Thang:
Ruck workout
Rucks on 2 by 2 rotate sandbags with partner every 1/8 mile for 1/2 mile
Rucks on PT with sandbags
10 bent over sandbag rows
10 sandbag high pulls
10 sandbag cleans
10 sandbag squat to overhead press
Repeat partner sandbag rotation another 1/2 mile
Repeat the 4 exercises as above same 10 count
Repeat another partner sandbag 1/2 mile
10 count sandbag merkins
36 military “Bigboy” sit-ups with sandbag on feet
Another partner sandbag 1/2 mile with a little shuffle
60 for 60
AKA 1 minute AMRAP ground to shoulder sandbag toss over back finish burpees on bag- next shoulder repeat- 6:15
Run – Grout took the runners offsite and ran thru local neighborhoods (Corey Ridge, Blackwood, Vicksburg, Tulls Cove and Rosewood)
Redbox had PAX mosey to rockpile where we did 2 sets of the following swapping rocks each exercise
10 – Reverse Curls for the Girls IC (start in up position)
10 – Reverse Tricep extensions IC (Start in up position)
10 – Standing Windshield wipers holding rock straight out in front IC
10 – Bent Over Rows IC
(Note- rocks were too cold for Cousin IT)
Then Shortround took over to the path where we would stop at each intersection to exercise. Would Indian run between stops
First stop did 5 Burbees OYO
Second stop did 5 Burbees OYO and 15 Sumo Squats IC
Third stop did 5 Burbees OYO, 15 Sumo Squats IC and 25 Merkins IC
Fourth stop did 5 Burbees OYO, 15 Sumo Squats IC, 25 Merkins IC and 35 LBCs IC
Redbox took back over and we headed to the picnic shelter where we did a little circuit course and repeat for 9 minutes
Started on one side of shelter and would walk over picnic tables, then do 10 dips, then bear crawl to fence backstop and do 10 mule kicks. then run to playground and either do 10 pullups or 10 Swerkins (do a different one each time). Then lunge back to picnic shelter and repeat.
Time was coming up so Mosey back to flag for a few PAX choice Mary exercises.
Stormtroopers did their thing and got in some great miles and awesome mumblechatter.
COT – 1 FNG (Welcome Tamagotchi) 35 PAX present.
Prayer Requests
SoftShell mentioned prayers for PAX member Survivor. Cancer re-occurred
Coach Lovett – Liver Cancer
Family gatherings
Some Family members will have first Christmas without a friend or loved one
Beer Garden
Retail Workers
Praise from Tonka to Tim. Was able to get a spot in recovery center
No workouts for Christmas
Growruck 26