Good times.  Good times.  Mumblechatter was alive and well at First Aid.

Warmups:  SSH, Good Mornings, Butt Kickers

The Thang:  Mosey around the stadium with 4 “Mania” stops.

1st Stop:  10 Each of Herkins, Werkins, Diamond, Ranger + 5 Burpees

2nd Stop:  15 Each of Butt Kissers (Squats with butt touching bench), Jump Squats, Lungers, Monkey humpers + 5 Burpees

3rd Stop:  20 Each of WW2, Flutter Kicks, LBCs, Freddie Mercurys + EC for hard-headed Pax of Leg Reaches & American Hammers + 5 Burpees

4th Stop:  25 Each of Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, High Knees, & Smurf Jacks + 5 Burpees

We then moseyed to the statue where we partnered up for 100 Carolina Dry Docks + 200 Dips.  Partners traded off exercise while the other ran up the steps and back.

We then moseyed to the meadow for some alternating exercises at the trees for the full length of the meadow:

Round 1:  Bear Crawl & Sprint

Round 2:  Lunge & Sprint

Round 3:  Suicides with a forward run to the tree and backwards run back to the start line.

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