- When: 12/16/2020
- QIC: Speed Square
- Pax: Bidet, Chestnut, Cockroach, Farva - Kinston, FlatHead, Grease Monkey - Kinston, Never Happened (RESPECT), Sissy Bar, Six Shooter (2.0), Speed Square
Started with disclaimer
- side straddle hops
- Squats
- Merkin IC to 5 and hold plank for a 3 count from all PAX
The Thang
- PAX rucked through downtown Kinston. At the right turns PAX stopped and completed an exercise before continuing. Exercises completed were up downs, over head WWII, squat press and the merkin.
We ended in a circle of trust
- count
- name
- prayer request- Sissy Bar’s wife, Permit’s brother, Eric Sowers, Flat Head daughter’s doc. appointment, Jessie Benson, Bidet’s friend who was in an accident
- Announcements
- Pic
YHC is not sure exactly how far we traveled as my watch is brand new and I didn’t set it right. Nevertheless, we had a great morning stroll at a good pace. The mumblechatter was great and YHC enjoyed the company
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