- When: 12/14/2020
- QIC: Oxy
- Pax: 18B, Bidet, Chestnut, Cockroach, Deadlift, Fannie Mae, Farva - Kinston, FireAnt (RESPECT), Grease Monkey - Kinston, LEO (RESPECT), Marshall, Never Happened (RESPECT), Oxy, Phoenix, Sissy Bar, Six Shooter (2.0), Speed Square, Well Done
- FNGs|Visiting Pax: nick smith- fng, 18b- FNG
Welcome and Disclaimer- stressed staying 6 feet apart
YHC borrowed this workout from Candy Cane’s Gobbler challenge a few weeks back that I saw on backblast.
- Pledge
- SSH x 15 (IC)
- Good Mornings x10 (IC)
- Squats x10
- Arm Burners x 10 (forward, backward, seal, hallelujahs)
- Run lap
The Thang:
Even though I like when all PAX stick together with recent COVID decided to do this OYO to help space out.
7 rounds: Each round we did the following-
- 10 swings
- 10 Exercises
- 15 swings
- 15 Exercises
- 20 swings
- 20 exercises
- 25 swings
- 25 exercises
- Run a lap
Round 1- Merkins
Round2- Goblet Squats
Round 3- Rows
Round 4- Over head Press
Rounds 5 Tricep ext
Round 6- Cleans
Round 7- Curls
Most were able to get to round 4 at least before time.
Prayers and Announcements
TClap |