- When: 01/31/18
- QIC: Bad Boy
- Pax: Bad Boy, Bartman, Daniel-San, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Money Shot, Scotty Moe, Silverback (RESPECT)
YHC was honored to lead this morning for the launch of Tobacco Road. 7 PAX showed for the very first weekday beat down in Farmville. As YHC was driving home last night after a little recon, YHC identified at least 4 great options for AO’s. So many opportunities for Farmville. Great push by the PAX on a chilly morning. Excited to report leaders are emerging. Bartman will help co-q next week, but it’s not official. His VQ is coming up a week from tomorrow. Scotty Moe will Q in 2 weeks. It’s coming together. Step 1, launch, done. Step 2, a new weekday AO site, done. Step 3, lots of VQ’s and headlocking, ongoing. A lot of men deserve credit for getting this going, now it’s up to the Farmville PAX to continue to lead.
Warm Up
10 merkins,
Ladder merkins x 10 (running backward on the way back)
25 dips and then run around the circle, 30 dips, run…, 35 dips, run…
Elevens: dips and derkins
Movement to picnic tables
25 Super step ups, 25 WWI’s
Bear crawl 50 yards or so and back
100 lbc’s
Movement to the wall
Several rounds of balls to the wall
Round 1, each pax count to 5
Round 2, balls to the wall shoulder taps x5
Round 3, 1 min balls to the wall
There was a 1 minute people chair somewhere in the mix
Movement past the shovel flag
Burp and merks to 10
Flutter kicks
x’s and o’s – The Hot Spot
Dying cockroach – Scotty Moe
Finish with 30 seconds or so of merkins
- Many prayers are needed for those going through cancer treatment (family members and co workers), recovering from strokes, Hot Spot mentioned a woman he didn’t know personally, but she fell and hit her head in a parking lot last night.
- CoopStrong Race on March 24th
- 3rd Anniversary/Convergence – February 24, 2018 @ 6:30 am – 7:30 am
Great work men! Truly amazing and making some Kool aide other men will guzzle down.