No race today run

Pax: Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Half-Pipe, Shake and Bake, Spunky Brewster, Tonka Blackops from Starbucks Gville Blvd to Arlington to Evans to 1st to 5th to Elm to G’ville Blvd to Starbucks. Tonka and Shake left after first 7 mile loop. The rest went out for another 4...

Because the sandlot has no hills

When: 11/05/2019 QIC: Floater Pax: 5 Way, Achtung, Boston Lager, Bud-weis-er, Cable, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), G String, Gamecock (RESPECT), Matlock, Novocaine, Rain Man, Slalom, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stern, The Situation, Tortoise (moved), Yellow Brick...

I was just waiting to have a colonoscopy

When: 10/15/2019 QIC: Floater Pax: Arkansas, Cousin IT, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Fruity Pebbles, Grammar, Half-Pipe, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Rafiki, Shake and Bake, Silverback (RESPECT), Soul Train Monday morning I was sitting on the couch waiting to go to the doctor to...

Going to Food Lion to get some speed

When: 08/27/2019 QIC: Floater Pax: Candy Cane, Cousin IT, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Past Due (RESPECT), Rafiki, Shake and Bake, Silverback (RESPECT), SOCOM All my other Qs had been tempo runs for the time allotted so wanted to try something different by adding some...

Just happy to be running here

When: 3/24/19 QIC: Floater Pax: Cousin IT, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Made Me Late, NoIDeer, Past Due (RESPECT), Rafiki, Spalding, String Bean, The End (RESPECT), Tortoise (moved) Not a very clever title but with all my travel I was happy to be running in Greenville...