


FAITH (3rd F)

Email The Q (Grapevine)

BANG—gut-checking conversation where men sharpen one other. Our time is valuable, so we don’t waste it with pleasantries and small-talk. The idea is to dig into the meat of life and uncover the “why” to your life so it won’t get turned upside down through the Sifter.

We close each CoT with a brief “shout-out” led by one of the participants. Men are free to pray to their god or to speak from a secular perspective — F3 is open to men of all faiths and no faith, and the closing shout-out is generally the only faith-specific component of a workout. We do it because we are thankful for the opportunity to come together and build ourselves into better men and because the vocal and corporate expression of that gratitude builds a stronger F3 community.

Outside of the workouts, we have found that many F3 participants, after getting in the best physical shape of their adult lives and meeting their social needs for the first time as adults, start taking a more serious approach to questions of meaning and purpose. Many F3 workouts have spawned Bible studies, attendance at speaker series and other Third F initiatives. We encourage those efforts as supplements to the workouts and an important way for F3 participants to exercise leadership in their families and communities.

Bad Boy has developed some Picture Sciptagrams, check them out by clicking here!

Several of our PAX played ECU Baseball or were affected by ECU Baseball Coach Keith LeClair, while fighting ALS he wrote the following devotional topics.

Table below has list of Gatherings and Locations (linked to Google Maps)!

Opportunities to Dive Deeper

Location Title Day of Week Start Time End Time
4th Street Parking Deck QsourceSunday 0645 0715
Covenant ChurchPray First Monday 0500 0520
Boyd Lee QsourceMonday 0500 0520