How do we get from here to over there… We do what?

When: 11/09/2020 QIC: Noonan Pax: Backhoe, Bench, Bono, Bookworm (RESPECT), Deep Dish, Fin, Frank the Tank, Just the Tip (RESPECT), Ma Bell, Monarch, Noonan, Patch (RESPECT), RedBox, Silverado, Slalom, Spinal Tap (RESPECT), Stabler Extra Credit: Stabler, Patch, Spinal...

Simple doesn’t mean easy…

When: 09/26/2020 QIC: Noonan Pax: Beaker (2.0), Haavaad (RESPECT), Landline, Noonan, Patch (RESPECT), Poppins, Show Boat, Stabler Extra Credit: Stabler, Patch, Haavaad, YHC was happy to Q when asked to lead at the 116…a site the ruckers built back up! Informed...

BRR here we come…

When: 09/01/2020 QIC: Noonan Pax: Aquaman, Arkansas, Cousin IT, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Forrest - Kinston, Gazelle, Grammar, Half-Pipe, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Noonan, Rafiki, Ricky Bobby, Shake and Bake, Silverback (RESPECT), Tonka, Wedgie As PAX are tapering,...