Thee Hot Spot Knows Shin Splints

When: 12/12/2020 QIC: Spalding Pax: Arkansas, Cowabunga (Nick), Dazed and Confused, Hoka, Hometown, Leaky Faucet, Petey, Silverback (RESPECT), Skipper, Spalding, Tonka Fill in Q for Hot Spot. He’s still dealing with shin splints and a hernia now. Little bit...

Past Due asked for help

When: 11/10/2020 QIC: Spalding Pax: Duff, Gamecock (RESPECT), Hometown, Houdini, Joker, Matlock, Past Due (RESPECT), Punch Out, RedBox, Ricky Bobby, Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spalding, String Bean, The Closed Hand, Tonka, Underdog Running AO Out of Elm...

Still Shaking It Out After BRR

When: 09/19/2020 QIC: Spalding Pax: Amigo, Half-Pipe, Hoka, Leaky Faucet, Monty Python (Bissette) (moved), Novocaine, Punch Out, RedBox, Reroute, Run DMC, Shake and Bake, Silverback (RESPECT), Spalding, Strokes, Tonka FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Hector Rosales (Run DMC)...

Change Of Plans Due To Fog

When: 10/20/2020 QIC: Spalding Pax: Arkansas, Bobber, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Gazelle, Half-Pipe, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Matlock, Monty Python (Bissette) (moved), Rafiki, Reroute, Ricky Bobby, Shake and Bake, Silverback (RESPECT), Spalding, Tonka, Wedgie Had a good...