Circuit Training

When: 10/27/15 QIC: Rambo Pax: Chickenhawk (RESPECT), Joker, Rambo, T-Bone (RESPECT) Yhc was first to arrive on a dreary afternoon wondering who was going to show up for some good fitness. Shortly after Yhc parked Pax started rolling in to Boyd Lee. I was unsure who...

An Army of one!

When: 10/6/15 QIC: Rambo Pax: Rambo YHC showed up to Boyd Lee about 20 mins early and started to unpack the workout toys I had made the previous night. Come about 5 minutes till 6pm YHC started to get concerned if anybody else was going to post for tonights workout....

A Nice Easy Workout before the Spartan

When: 09/17/15 QIC: Rambo Pax: Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Rambo I’m starting to think everybody is afraid of when I Q! Warm up Small Arm circles forward -30 seconds Big Arm circles Forward -30 seconds Big Arm circles backwards -30 seconds Small Arm circles...

Sunday Football = SAD CLOWNS

When: 09/13/15 QIC: Rambo Pax: Rambo, Shark Bait Just because the NFL is back on TV does not mean you need to watch every game! I showed up with Sharkbait a few minutes early and got ready to Q this afternoon and Sharkbait and I waited until 6Pm on the dot and started...

An Afternoon Beatdown!

When: 08/20/15 QIC: Rambo Pax: Chickenhawk (RESPECT), Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Decoy, King Pin (RESPECT), Rambo Warm-Up Mosey from the “Playground Equipment” to the mouth of the trails The Thang Running the shortest distance of each section of trail in...