Lets KILL Rambo

When: 06/27/17 QIC: Rambo Pax: Hightower, Circuit Rider, and Mahoney Pax: Circuit Rider (moved), Hightower, Mahoney, Rambo This morning YHC received a message from Charlie Brown asking if I could Q this afternoon’s workout, to which I replied “Im sure I...

The Q needs a Watch!

When: 05/14/17 QIC: Rambo Pax: Battleship (moved), Butterworth (RESPECT), Cousin IT, Gazelle, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Rambo, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Strokes, Tonka Yhc picked up the Q after a group message from Stretch asking for a volunteer since he would be...

22 Yards

When: 11/11/16 QIC: Rambo Pax: Aquaman, Bling Bling, Early Bird, Flying Eagle, Gazelle, Mayhem (RESPECT), Rambo, Shrimp (RESPECT), Spinal Tap (RESPECT), Squeeze Play (2.0), Turnpike FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNGs - Flying Eagle, Turnpike Today we honor all Veterans, I got to...

A field of Burpees!

When: 06/15/16 QIC: Rambo Pax: Duff, Gold Digger, Goose, Hot Pursuit (RESPECT), Lachey, Psycho, Rambo YHC showed up early to post the shovel flag so the Pax would know what side to park on. I want to thank the Pax whom braved the near 100 degree heat index and posted...

Training on Hills!

When: 12/20/15 QIC: Rambo Pax: Bono, Cousin IT, Early Bird, Joker, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Rambo, Shark Bait, Wimpie Coming off of my half marathon last weekend, I realized that I really need to train on hills, they killed me durning the half. Talking with...