Lets KILL Rambo

When: 06/27/17 QIC: Rambo Pax: Hightower, Circuit Rider, and Mahoney Pax: Circuit Rider (moved), Hightower, Mahoney, Rambo This morning YHC received a message from Charlie Brown asking if I could Q this afternoon’s workout, to which I replied “Im sure I...

Typhoon Tuesday Afternoon at BLP

When: 06/20/17 QIC: Mayhem Pax: Cable, Chestnut (2.0), Hightide (RESPECT), Mayhem (RESPECT), Shrimp (RESPECT) Charlie Brown asked me to Q Tuesday’s afternoon workout. I didn’t mind, and actually reached out to Hightower to co-Q and break him in.  At the...

I thought we were friends

When: 11/01/16 QIC: Joker Pax: Pax: Half Pint, Joker, Rambo YHC pulled into BLP early with plenty of time to think, but not for long.  Rambo came whipping up with Cyndi Lauper blaring and that was the last coherent thought for a while. 20 SSH IC, 20 Imperial walkers...

Is that your Weinke?

When: 10/25/2016 QIC: Past Due Pax: Past Due (RESPECT), Rambo, Sarge (moved), Wok-n-Roll (2.0 - moved) YHC pulled up to BLP to find Rambo sitting in his car.  I immediately told him I was guest Qing, as Joker couldn’t make it and Duff had the kids.  I quickly noted a...

Intensity begets intensity

When: 10/18/16 QIC: Joker Pax: Banzai (2.0), Cable, Half Pint, Joker FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Cable Fluidity, thing are constantly in flux. YHC was supposed to be out of town this week and had Head-locked Duff into Q’ing. Projects get pushed back and hot water...

3 Little Monkeys Part 2…

When: 10/04/16 QIC: Joker Pax: Joker, Pepperoni (2.0), T-Bone (RESPECT) YHC’s goal is to never fail the Platinum Rig or Monkey Bars at any race ever again and he’s taking everyone who posts with him.  Bruiser is becoming a upper body/Grip...