YHC pulled into BLP early with plenty of time to think, but not for long.  Rambo came whipping up with Cyndi Lauper blaring and that was the last coherent thought for a while.

20 SSH IC, 20 Imperial walkers IC, 10 Slow Merkins IC

Mosey to the Umbrella for a quick demonstration of a Burpee Pull-up;

7’s Burpee Pull-ups & 4 count(IC-OYO) Flutter Kicks

Quick break to allow the Q to grab his Time Keeping device(Phone) and some F3 cards for a couple of not-so-sad-clowns that were working out at the same time.

Mosey to the rock pile and find a good 2hander:

10 Curls, 10 Overhead Presses, 10 Triceps extensions all IC

rest, wash, and repeat.

Mosey back to the umbrella, Monkey bar around the umbrella while the rest of the Pax holds plank

Mosey back to the Play ground for

MARY Mucho Chesto: 5 Ranger, 5 wide, 5 close, 5 stagger left, 5 stagger right – Merkins OYO


There was a constant stream of Mumblechatter and Camaraderie during the workout, but everyone put in a good DownPainment.  YHC spent most of the time explaining to Rambo that a hard workout was a friendly workout…

The Skeeters were forming up for an assault, so YHC spoke a few quite words and we all retreated to the comforts of home and dinner. Good work men.


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