Yhc picked up the Q after a group message from Stretch asking for a volunteer since he would be out of town. I always try to live up to my F3 name by making brutal workouts, and since this is a running AO I had to get creative. At 0600 without stretching we took off towards Elm Street Park doubling back for the 6 every .25 mile or so. This little run got the Paxs buddied up nicely in to like ability levels. Once reaching Elm St Park Yhc informed the Paxs that the next exercise would be Catch me if you can with a twist, the Pax who was being chased would be running backwards and when caught they had to do 5 squats. We did this from Elm St Park to Gate 6. Once at gate 6 we took off from Gate 6 around the stadium to Charles Blvd and strait back to The Commons doubling back for the 6 every .25 mile or so. When all Paxs were at The Commons the instruction of the last planned exercise was given. The last planned exercise was to mosey down to the stage and do LT Dan 1 to 1 to 1 from the stage all the way back to the shovel flag. When the 6 arrived at the shovel flag we had 2 mins left on the clock so I ask Tonka to give an exercise and he said Amrap of Burpees for the remainder of the time.


Prayer Request

-Gazelle friend who has a heart issue right now.

-Cousin It dealing with the first mother day after the passing of his mother

-The Mud run teams


-Slim Jim’s wife getting a job


– 2nd F Wednesday night at Uptown Brewery starting at 7PM 5/17

TClap |