YHC arrived just as EC prayer time was wrapping up and I quickly noticed many of the PAX had already switched to winter gear. My new goal was to have the PAX wanting to take off the winter gear by the end. As I was walking around before 5:30 it was great seeing faces I don’t normally see.

The Thang

One lap with a partner with the conversation starter, “What is your high and low from the weekend?”

Circle Burpee

Mosey to the shelter for two rounds of: dips, step-ups, and derkins.

Playtime on the Playground- YHC decided to bring back and modify the first workout I posted at BLP 5 months ago. 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 overhead claps, and a sprint to the circle at Mount Boyd Lee. PAX continued those sets until YHC called recover. Most PAX got in about 3 to 4 sets–T-claps! Some wanted some extra credit and tried running to the far circle at the entrance (Q-Tip: make sure you know how to describe your surroundings clearly to the PAX).

Mosey to the long wall of the building for some partner exercises. Round 1 Partner A completed Australian Mountain Climbers while Partner B sprinted to the sidewalk and back then switch (x2). Round 2 Partner A completed plank-jacks while Partner B sprinted further and back then switch (x2).

Cool-down lap with your partner with the conversation starter, “What are you most excited about and anxious about for this week?”



  •  Las Vegas
  • Texas and Puerto Rico
  • Shrimp’s father
  • SanFran’s wife
  • Cinder’s Dad


  • Reach out to a someone you hasn’t posted in awhile
  • Lunch somewhere at sometime hosted by someone.


Thank you Battleship for letting me Q today! I had a great time going back out to BLP to celebrate 5 months posting. I’m still astounded how fast I drank the kool-aid, and got stronger for it. I wanted the conversation starters to help set in motion a healthy week and allow the PAX to listen and also release any burdens weighing heavy on hearts this week. I love using those with kids to help get conversations going, and they are great for any relationship or conversation (3rdF tip of the day).



TClap |