6 PAX met at 0440 for a little EC Ruck and logged a little over 2 miles

Back to the flag right at 0515 and saw some new faces to RuckReady at least they were new to YHC as work travel has prevented me to post on a majority of Tuesdays. While talking to a few ruckers who have not made their way out to RuckReady yet, YHC learned that some of these guys have the wrong perception of the AO and that all you do is carry logs or sandbags all workout. Even though that’s the case sometimes as it is the harder thing, YHC wanted to come up with a ruck workout that did not involve sandbags or logs and still give these ruckers a quality beatdown and in the process, hopefully attract more ruckers to post on Tuesdays. Short disclaimer given, no FNGs so we were off…


  • Pledge
  • Good Mornings x 11 IC
  • Arm Circles (front & back), OH clap, Seal Claps and Hallelujahs x11 IC (without putting your arms down)
  • Michael Phelps x 11 IC

The Thang

Got in formation (2×2) and took off for a quick lap around the Alice Keen track but went in the opposite direction. Once we hit the woods, PAX would shuffle the length of the woods on both sides. Rucked our way to Wintergreen. At Wintergreen, got to the parking lot for a lap of fun.

20 merkins (led by Chimi)

Lunge the Straightaway

20 squats (led by Newfie)

20 LBCs (ruck overhead) led by Padre

Bearcrawl the straightaway… which was one heck of a long bear crawl

20 bent over rows (led by 2-Stop)

After the lap, PAX would meet at the far end of the parking lot for DORA 1-2-3. PAX partnered up and had 30sec to remove their ruck plate from their rucksack. Partner A would perform the following exercises;

100- Ruck Plate Squat To High Pull

200- Wide Arm Merkins

300- Single Arm Bent Over Row (switch arms each rotation)

While Partner A is doing the exercises, Partner B would mosey to the other end of the parking lot and back with ruck plate overhead the entire time. Partners would flapjack until DORA was complete.

Got back into formation and made our way back to Alice Keen and back to the flag in time for a round with Mary then COT

Prayer Requests

  • QuickShot’s wife has one month left in her pregnancy
  • Pulp’s oldest 2.0, Brownie, turns 17 today
  • Patch, Stabler and Underdog’s 2.0s are traveling with their team to GA for a baseball tourney later in the week. Prayers for safe travel and good play on the field


  • Sasquatch is coming… SIGN UP
  • Stern has the Q at RuckReady next week
  • MaBell with the Q on Friday at First Aid

Until Next Time…

Stabler Out

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