YHC showed up with a clown car loaded with Lighbulb and Mustang Salad. I hoped that the wet weather would not scare away our usual crowd that comes when we play ultimate bear ball. Eventually Skully pulled in with a clown car of his own loaded with his 2.0 Squirrel and a neighborhood friend of his (FNG) that wanted to give the bear ball a shot. We waited with anticipation until 7:15 but soon realized that the rain had increased the fartsack’s hold on our fellow Brother’s. A quick disclaimer was given and off we went.

YHC prayed us in.

Warm Ups: Arm and Leg Stretches

The Thang: We headed to Minges field and dived up in to teams of three. YHC went over the rules of the game being a normal ultimate frisbee format except using a football. The scoring team would choose an exercise that the losing team had to do 10 reps of while the scoring team did 5 reps. We decided due to the lower numbers and a wet field that we would not include the bear crawling element this time. This also evened the playing field some for the team against Lightbulb! Lots of fun was had by all and in the end the team consisting of Skully, Lightbulb and Heinz 57 (FNG) brought home the victory. I guess it takes more than bear crawls to stop Lightbulb.

Skully read a quick devotion from “Jesus Calling”

YHC prayed us out.

Prayer requests:

Those with cancer, Rev, Rev’s Sister


Sunrise Service-Easter Sunday @ 6:45 for all families at Town Commons

5k run April 2 at Town Commons

F3 Family Tailgate for ECU Spring Game. April 16th 9:00am-2:00pm Dowdy Ficklin Stadium

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