YHC answered the call for a Q that went out earlier in the day from Cousin IT, and had to accelerate some creative thinking to pull together a plan.  Inspiration arrived, as I had been contemplating the use of a particularly inviting piece of property near ECU campus….. a sunken grassy depression/sink hole near SupDogs that seemed to me to be begging for F3 use – with steep banks and areas at the top and bottom for exertion.  YHC felt like General Bufford realizing the value of “high ground” just prior to the Battle of Gettysburg.  We would seize it during Stadium Blast.  YHC tweeted out a challenge to try and hook any potential PAX, grabbed the shovel flag during lunch hour, and made ready.  Stadium Blast has been a tough posting for a while.  Only those with some flexibility in their work schedules can usually make it at that time of the afternoon.  YHC pulled up on time and spotted a likely F3 brother.  Turns out it was Duff.  Fears of Q’ing myself alone quickly dissipated.  Introductions were exchanged.  A quick scan of the horizon in the direction of the normal avenues of approach to the site did not indicate any other PAX arriving.  It would be only two of us today, but Duff was ready and willing to see what I had up my sleeve.


Walk across the street from the parking lot to plant the shovel flag and fist bump (that was all the warm-up)

The Thang

Run 1.3 miles from stadium to corner of 5th and Reade Circle downtown.  Lots of traffic along route, but with only two running, we were able to navigate the obstacles, human and otherwise, pretty well at a solid pace.  Met members of ECU Womens track team running the other direction.  YHC observed that his profile wasn’t quite as aerodynamic as those of the young ladies.  Proceeded undaunted nevertheless.  Arrived at the sunken grassy area.

Four corners identified for stations. YHC had pre-positioned signage earlier in the afternoon.  Exercise sets at bottom level at each station, then bear crawl up grassy banks to rim, with exercise sets at top level, then run back down before advancing to next station.  Merkin-related exercises at rim/top stations, “Mary”-related exercises at bottom stations in “the pit”.

Station 1:  WWII Sit Ups X 20; Bear Crawl up Bank; Wide-Arm Merkins X 20; Run Back to Bottom then to Next Corner;

Station 2:  American Hammer X 20; Bear Crawl up Bank; Closed-Hand (not to be confused with THE Closed Hand who was not present)/Diamond Merkins; Run Back to Bottom then to Next Corner;

Station 3:  WWI Sit Ups X 20; Bear Crawl up Bank; Imperial Walkers X 20; Run Back to Bottom then to Next Corner;

Station 4:  Flutter Kick X 20; Bear Crawl up Ban; Burpees X 10 (YHC conceded to 10 ct at burpee station with no objection from Duff); Run Back to Bottom then back to start point.  Good adjustment to approach to Station 4 made by Duff to avoid some lawn bombs left by canines in the vicinity of our burpee spot;

Rinse and Repeat all of the above except X 3 count at each station and focus on form.  Leakage manifested itself.

Run 1.3 miles from pit area back to stadium, using slightly different route this time through west campus to 10th street, up the hill of Rock Spring Rd (#mumblechatter from self) and back to the shovel flag right at the 45 minute point.


Cold Cut’s niece and her battle with cancer.

Cousin IT’s job situation and for wisdom.

Thanks for ability to work out and for the mild weather.

YHC closed in prayer.


PAX Tuesday lunches:  Hibachi Japan 4/12. Fire Tower Rd

F3 Super bowl/Mud Run on 4/30

Sign-Up for Adopt-a-Highway is out.  Will require PAX to physically sign the initial sponsor sheet. See Cold Cut.

4/16:  F3 Tailgate at ECU Spring Football Game.  Steamy is cooking wings. 2.0 friendly.  Sign up in Sign-up Genius to help with planning/head count.


Great opportunity to get to know Duff, and he kept YHC motivated during this experimental beatdown.  We kept up a steady pace on the run segments and through the circuits.  Had good conversation about the goodness of F3 and the extra motivation and accountability it brings to us for pushing ourselves to work out and stay connected with other men and community.

The timing for this very diverse workout turned out to be on the dot.  15 minutes of running, 15 minutes on site at the Mary Pit, and then 15 minutes back to the flag.



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