YHC showed up to #Terminal Run and saw LD and Goggles rolling in the puddles, they called it a “6-pack”. All jokes aside, good work fellas for stepping up earlier and getting some EC in. As everyone else joined us, the rain continued to fall and made the cold air feel just that more inviting. After a little competitive mumble chatter, I interrupted with the 5:30 disclaimer and we took off.

The Thang
we started by heading right on Rouse Road and made a quick turn on Jetport Rd which looped us back to Rouse road. We followed Rouse John Mewborne and took a right. Once we hit Felix Harvey we took a left and made our way down the highway. We took another left on to Spirit Way and reached our two mile mark. At this point we all had a good steady pace and knew we were about half way done. At the end of Spirit Way we took a left back onto John Mewborne Rd until we hit Rouse road, completing the loop. Our last mile consisted of the initial loop on Jetport road. Ending right at 6:15, we were able to get 4 miles in.

We had prayer request for Gophers coworker who lost their father, Joe Price’s family, and Forests’ dad. Praises included, Chestnut’s and Shortstop’s parents are all doing well and recovering, and Gopher got the needed funds to make his home improvements (which may or may not include a new grill). Praises were had for PAX that broke PR today, 1% better truly happens at this AO. We social distanced around the flag and took our picture.

Mumble chatter had during the tail end of our run included our thoughts on getting up and working out each morning. There is a desire to stay in the bed as our alarm clocks ring in the morning, and sometimes that urge is high. But we can all agree that while we ETS during our runs, we all love the drive home feeling rewarded and accomplished. The same can go for the adventure called life. Have a long term goal, keep your focus on it, have brothers that hold you accountable, and ETS because the reward is worth it!

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