As YHC headed to Minges for EC, it started to rain pretty heavy so I knew it was going to probably be a light crowd for both EC and the workout. Pulled up to the parking lot around 0435 and only Patch was there and ready to rock for a moist EC. Logged 2.7 miles and got back to the flag shortly before 0530 and was happy to see 5 more PAX. YHC did some head locking Monday after and was glad to see 2 of his 3 show up and post; Trophy Wife and Poppins. YHC also reached out to Chimi and we all know how that goes… YHC thinks he is still writing his backblast from last week ;)

No FNGs so short disclaimer was given and we were off…

Warm Up

  • Pledge
  • SSH x11 IC
  • Good Mornings x11 IC
  • Michael Phelps x11 IC
  • Butt Kickers x11 IC

The Thang

YHC convinced Trophy Wife that if he posted, there would be minimal running so we took off to the first gate of the stadium. YHC brought #LadyLuck with him but first wanted to ask the PAX a question and the answer would play into the first exercise. “How many active casinos are there in Las Vegas, NV?” Several answers were given, all were way off. The answer YHC gave was 116. And in honor of 116, YHC instructed the PAX to do 116 burpees. Jaws hit the concrete so fast and some of the expressions YHC saw were priceless… especially from Emeril and Monarch were the best. APRIL FOOL’S BROS… we’re not doing 116 burpees but we are playing a few rolls with #LadyLuck.

At each gate a PAX would choose an exercise and then roll the dice. Whatever number came up, we would multiply that number on the dice by 10 and do that many reps of the given exercise. Rinse and repeat and each gate around the Stadium. Exercises included;

60 WWIs

40 Merkins

50 Burpees

50 Flutter Kicks

40 LBCs

10 count People’s Chair by each PAX and 10 count BTTW by each PAX

50 Squats

50 Hallelujahs

50 Dips

At the end of the Stadium tour, PAX headed to Mount Minges and there was lots of mumblechatter of YHC having loaded dice with all the high numbers rolled. YHC said that we would do a round of 7s with Merkins and the bottom of the stairs and calf raises at the top of the stairs. And with all the PAX complaining about the dice, YHC had Patch roll one time. If 1-3 came up, PAX would have to bear crawl back and forth to the stairs but if a 4-6 popped up, PAX could mosey… and a 5 was rolled… maybe it was the dice ;)

Five minute left so circled up at the flag for some rounds of Mary and COT

Prayer Requests

  • Bench’s Mom
  • The fiancé of Bryce Fleming- attacked by a pit bull
  • Safe travels for all those out and about for Easter and Spring Break


  • Sasquatch July 31

Until next time…

Stabler Out

TClap |