• When: 02/16/16
  • QIC: Buford

The last 2-3 weeks, YHC has been nursing a bum shoulder and has been balls to the wall at work (and not the fun, F3 kind of BTTW either!), and my posting schedule has frankly gotten a little slack.  I woke up last Thursday fully intending to post at Clydesdales, and before heading out, checked the weather forecast.  The radar showed a line of thunderstorms rolling through the area right about 5-5:30, so YHC made the call to fartsack it (yeah, yeah…I know).  A text was sent to Cold Cut to inform him that I would not be partaking in the festivities, and that in return I’d take the Q for this week.  Well, as I laid in the ol’ sack, I listened to the rain pouring down and the wind howling and shaking the house, secure in my decision to remain high and dry while those other suckers get pelted with rain.  Then the clock struck 5:30am and the rain and the wind DIED.  As YHC laid there and soaked in the deafening silence, he thought to himself, “Ah, crap….Cold Cut ain’t never gonna let me hear the end of this one!”  Sure nuff…CC called me out on the twittermachine.  YHC said to himself, “don’t get mad…get EVEN”. And so, at 0530 in the chilly Thursday gloom, the disclaimer was given…and 400 pounds of Quikrete later, it was on like Donkey Kong.

The Warm Up
SSH’s IC x20
Good Mornings IC x20
Imperial Walkers IC x20

Tha Thang
I planned my workout for about 8 PAX, which has been pretty typical for Clydesdales, but when the clock struck 0530, it was just YHC, Steamy, and Cold Cut, so we had to improvise.  I brought 8 50-pound bags of Quikrete and loaded them into 5-gallon buckets.  We moseyed over to the Minges Meadow and did 7’s with Merkins on one side and Squats on the other.  The real work was a Farmer’s Carry to each side with a 50 pound bucket in each hand.  About halfway through, Cold Cut started making some weird grunting and groaning sounds.  He’s a machine, so when that happens, you know you’ve put together a quality beatdown.

I had planned to do a round of Dora 1-2-3 with partners doing another Farmer’s Carry with the buckets, but with 3 PAX, that just wasn’t going to work…so, we did individual Dora 1-2-3 instead.  100 Merkins, 200 WW2s, 300 squats….EACH.  Dora is a mean little B.  We finished up just as the clock was hitting 6:10, and the last exercise was loading all 400 pounds of Quikrete back into my truck.

Papa, Steamy’s friend whose mother passed away, Cold Cut’s son trying to find his way through Eagle Scout, YHC’s friend whose dad is dealing with Leukemia, F3 brothers dealing with illness and injuries – Skully, Dig-a-hole, Tater, Gamecock, and High Tide, Cousin IT’s family and foster kids.

Anniversary convergence next Saturday and Adopt-a-Highway cleanup on March 25th.

The Moleskin
It was good to be back out in the gloom sharing leakage with my brothers. If you haven’t tried out the Clydesdales yet, come on out to Gate 5! We’ll give you a quality beatdown! Aye!

TClap |