Nice soggy snow on the ground this AM. Decided to keep it in the parking lot and push the PAX endurance.
Warm up
• 15 Side Straddle Hops IC
• 10 Alabama A** Kickers – Honor the National Champs IC
• Slaughter Starter (20 Burpees) OYO
The Thang
Now that the heart is awake we will start the run.
Scout run from the flag to the first stop sign and 10 Merkins
Scout Run to the circle and bear crawl scout the circle (lots of groaning and I hate Momma’s boy)
10 Merkins
Scout run to Market street then add 10 Merkins
Scout run back to the circle – give a 10 count – no more bear crawls- modified to Lt Dans around the circle.
Scout run back to the stop sign and add 10 merkins
Scout run back to the flag and add 10 merkins
Next up Spartans. Sprint about 50 yards – 10 merkins and walk back. (4X)
Prayer Requests:
Pray for the ones traveling through the ice roads
Little quiet everyone still trying to catch their breath, Kickball moved back to Chicago and he will be missed
The bear crawls let us know where we needed improvement. It was wet and snowy but we endured the suck. The Spartan was a little fun to add at the end. It became a trash talking race much like would be heard in high school. It is great to get out and push each other. Everyone is at a different comfort level now…the bonds are taking root.

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