Warm Ups

Good Mornings 20X

Side S Hops 20X

Imperial Walkers 20X

Mosey 1 lap around soccer field

The battle began on the soccer field with three sets of cones placed 22 feet apart . The beat down set was  in 3 – 12 minute phases with a one minute a rest in between each set.  The first phase started with 15 Smurf Jacks and a sprint to the second set of cones and then we repeated the same process to the third set of cones. After reaching the third set of cones, we repeated the same agian. The second phase format was the same. Instead of Smurf Jack’s we did 15 mountain climbers and walking lunges back to the first set of cones. Indian run around the soccer field for a break. The third phase was 15 squats and bear crawls forward and back 2 sets each. Indian run with a faster pace.
Back to shovel flag at 6:15.

Prayer Request
Vanilla  – Sister’s expecting  twins
San Fran – Wife’s in the hospital
F3 Nation – ALL

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