YHC filled in for Duff and knew that it would be a small crowd given the fact that a lot of the ruckers were going to do the 13.1 mile ruck and that the rain was coming down as well. Was hoping for a few PAX to joing but when Fertile was offering up breakfast after the 13.1, YHC knew he was screwed so headlocked Doubtfire to ensure it would not be a solo ruck. Doubtfire was at 116 before YHC to join in on some EC action. Took a tour downtown then made our way back to 116 to an empty parking lot to ensure it would be the two of us for the workout as well. Oh well… time to do some work…

Nothing… we ruck

The Thang
Made our way to the ECU Parking Garage via downtown. Near the 4th Street parking garage we ran into the 13.1 ruck crew. They had tremendous numbers so we joined them for a bit and got to chat with Bambino and 4-Leaf a bit before we broke-off by the rec center to do the rest of our workout.

At the parking garage we performed Jack Webbs at each level of the garage. At the top of level one, we did 20 Curls for the Girls, level two we did 20 overhead presses and level three we did 20 tricep extensions. At the top of level four, we did 20 of each of the three exercises. Rucked our way back to the flag via a campus tour and downtown. Between EC and the workout, we logged 6.25 miles.

Prayer Requests
– All injured PAX and those recovering
– Duff’s family
– Praise getting Doubtfire back to the gloom

– See website

– Mayhem has the Q next week at 116. He promises to be on-time!

There is strength in numbers but sometimes there is strength in smaller numbers as well. The suck is easier to embrace sometimes when you can get some quality second F with a good buddy! Really good to see Doubtfire out there for sure! To me, one of the key aspects of F3 is accountability. It would have been easy to have fartsacked this morning knowing the numbers would be low and being out there in the rain for about what feels like the 5th day in a row, but knowing Doubtfire would be out there waiting for me really held me accountable to get my butt out of the farsack and post. That’s what it’s all about and it’s awesome! Until next time…

Stabler Out!

TClap |