This was my second shot at Q’ing so I wanted to make things interesting, maybe be a little different.  I thought a theme would be a good way to go.  After pondering for a few days I thought a workout centered around the SSH (Jumping Jack) would be interesting and could be extremely hard if thought out properly.  I arrived at the waterfront with several PAX ready to go.

The Warm-up

Good Mornings – 15 IC

Don Quixotes – 15 IC

Burpees – 10 OYO

Imperial Walkers – 15 IC

The Thang

-Mosey to the Courthouse by way of Market Street

-Run up the stairs at the Courthouse and down the other side

-At the top of the stairs, 20 Plank Jacks and at the bottom of the stairs on both sides, 10 Pushup Jacks.  Complete 5 times.

The run back to the waterfront to the gazebo was a mix of walk and jailbreak at random times.

At the gazebo, partner up. Partner 1 runs around the gazebo area while partner 2 begins exercises.  Switch up until all exercises are completed.

50 Situp Jacks

100 Squat Jacks

200 Seal Jacks

After completion there were still about 20 minutes left.  PAX circled up for some Mary, each PAX got to select the exercise for a total of 9 exercises

LBC’s, Box cutters, V-Ups, 6-inches, Squats w/Hi knees, Spiderman’s, Chilcuts, Hello Dolly, and of course, Burpee Jacks.


Count-o-rama, name-o-rama, announcements, prayer requests, prayer for all.

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