As the PAX pulled up you could see the joy in their eyes as they knew Enron had the Q, they all know something with running will be included. They also know when Enron Q’s it won’t be easy. YHC brought with him today a stocking loaded with 25 different exercises.  The plan – do two exercises out of the stocking at each location and then mosey on a tour of Downtown Washington. We also had a special guest with us today Double Ds daughter Lilley.  She was a blast as she talked so much trash to  Double D, haha

We started the disclaimer and worked our way through the warm up. To start we moseyed to the start of the boardwalk to pull the first two exercises out of the Stocking of Joy. First was 100 bicycle kicks followed by 200 SSH. Boy the calf’s were burning after that and the mumble chatter started. After an Indian run down the boardwalk the next two exercises were pulled. Oh the joy when the PAX saw the next two were 25 burpees and 25 wide merkins. We made our way to the First Methodist Church parking lot and it must have been a special wink from above as the PAX pulled out 100 hallelujah squats and 50 hallelujah lunges. We moseyed to one of Enron’s bank branches downtown and the PAX pulled out 100 LBCs and 50 mountain climbers. Next stop was the court house and there was some heavy breathing starting to happen. 50 shoulder taps and 25 Diamond merkins later we then started on another mosey to the downtown area. Once downtown the PAX pulled 25 side plank dips and 100 flutter kicks. Our last stop was at the Chamber of Commerce and we polished off 100 squats and 25 WWI sit ups. As we were recovering Largemouth made a bet with the PAX that if they give him $50 he would jump in the river. FLO was like an auctioneer taking bets and raising funds from the PAX to get Largemouth in his natural habitat. Then out of nowhere Double D and Largemouth made their way to the Dock!  Double D went right down the ladder and under he went. Then to show his skills Largemouth performed a front flip and landed it perfectly right in the drink. As the two crazy’s made their way out of the water YHC could only think of one thing to get their blood back flowing..a jail break back to the shovel flags. I pulled the last exercise of the day and we finished with 50 smurf jacks.

After a fun workout of seeing what the Stocking of Joy would bring the PAX circled up for count and namearoma. We finally gave Bob the Builders 2.0 a true F3 name. Buck Commander!  After prayer requests the PAX parted ways to meet again next week. From YHC to you and yours. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoys the real reason for the season.

TClap |