Dora 1-2-3 #BLB Style

When: 02/03/18 QIC: Early Bird Pax: Duct Man, Early Bird, Gazelle, Mellow Johnny, Psycho, Strokes Warm up: 15 of the following (4 ct.) SSH, Cherry Pickers, Arm circles forward and reverse, Squats, Carolina Dry Docks The Thang: The #BLB version of DORA 1-2-3 with...

The 12 Days of Liftmas

When: 12/23/17 QIC: Early Bird Pax: Aquaman, Bench, Boston Lager, Butterworth (RESPECT), Cable, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Early Bird, Gazelle, Mayhem (RESPECT), Spinal Tap (RESPECT), Squeeze Play (2.0), Strokes After a few weeks off from Qing...

7 for 6

When: 12/03/17 QIC: Early Bird Pax: Cousin IT, Duff, Early Bird, Marshall, Past Due (RESPECT), Rafiki, Wimpie FNGs|Visiting Pax: FNG - Marshall (David Brown) YHC knew numbers could be down this week with site Q Strokes and many of the regular runners saving their legs...

Cold Steel

When: 11/11/17 QIC: Early Bird Pax: Bambino, Butterworth (RESPECT), Cable, Chestnut (2.0), Cousin IT, Duck Duck, Early Bird, Mellow Johnny YHC knew it would be a cold work out, and figured even without incorporating, running the Pax would warm up quickly. Weeelllll,...

The Beatdown is Back!

When: 10/21/17 QIC: Early Bird Pax: Bambino, Cable, Chestnut (2.0), Cousin IT, DiNozzo, Doogie Howser, Early Bird, Gazelle, Kahuna (DOUBLE RESPECT), Mellow Johnny, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), String Bean, Strokes, Wimpie YHC had an HC from about 4 PAX based on...