Morning Mayhem

When: 08/01/19 QIC: Mayhem Pax: Angus, Base Burglar, Brass Monkey, Cable, Gamecock (RESPECT), Mayhem (RESPECT), Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Stern It was a Site Q Thursday as Mayhem took the reins. The plan was simple…..pick a destination and run to it. Arrived...

Quatch Prep Run

When: 07/10/19 QIC: Mayhem Pax: Gamecock (RESPECT), Mayhem (RESPECT) Gamecock said he needed to RUN this morning, so we ventured out Black Ops style and met at Elm Street Park in the gloom. Ran from Elm Street Park up the Greenway to Green Springs Park, across the...

Forgotten Run

When: 05/30/19 QIC: Mayhem Pax: Duff, Gamecock (RESPECT), Hometown, Mayhem (RESPECT), Past Due (RESPECT), Skipper, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spalding, String Bean, Underdog, Yellow Brick This is a late backblast………….we came, we saw, we RAN !!  Everyone got...

Three Amigos

When: 07/05/19 QIC: Mayhem Pax: Candy Cane, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Mayhem (RESPECT) YHC was the recipient of a Hiny Headlock at PAX lunch on Tuesday at Chico’s……by being in town on Friday I was an easy prospect to Q. I figured we would have a...

Deck of Death

When: 05/17/19 QIC: Mayhem Pax: Achtung, Candy Cane, Cousteau (moved), Gamecock (RESPECT), Glow Worm (RESPECT), Grisham, Grout, Haavaad (RESPECT), Hot Spot (RESPECT), Mayhem (RESPECT), Noonan, Stern Noonan had asked me to Q First Aid and I jumped at the chance. Love...