“Do you read Bro?”

When: 04/19/2018 QIC: Mr. Belding Pax: Bench, Jock Itch, Ma Bell, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Patch (RESPECT), Pied Piper, Salty (moved) Pax had the flags planted and were on the go when YHC arrived. Read through this BB for further explanation. YHC was excited...

All In This Together: Army vs. Marines

When: 04/03/2018 QIC: Hot Pursuit & Mr. Belding Pax: Aquaman, Bad Boy, Cousin IT, Glow Worm (RESPECT), Grammar, Hot Pursuit (RESPECT), Hurricane, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Otown (RESPECT), Pong, Poppins, Rafiki, Rico Suave, Southern Fried (RESPECT), Spinal Tap...

The Two Towers

When: 03/25/2018 QIC: Mr. Belding Pax: Abu, Cousin IT, Gazelle, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), String Bean, Strokes The rain held off and it was cold. Just before 6 we were 5 and then a lone runner came out of the gloom and we were 6. At 6 on the dot we were off like a...


When: 03/14/2018 QIC: Mr. Belding Pax: Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Roll Call, Spinal Tap (RESPECT) Cold Cut sent the message a few weeks ago and I accepted the invitation to Q. With all of the changes that have taken place lately I decided...

Adapt and Improvise

When: 12/30/17 QIC: Mr. Belding Pax: Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Duff, Early Bird, Giuliani (RESPECT), Harry Potter, Hiny, Mr. Belding (DOUBLE RESPECT), Rafiki, Shrimp (RESPECT), Stern, Underdog YHC got the tweet from Thee Hot Spot while DR and said yes....