Cold Cut sent the message a few weeks ago and I accepted the invitation to Q. With all of the changes that have taken place lately I decided to keep it as simple as this BB. I arrived and Cold Cut had a flag in the ground. We talked and tried to stay loose when Roll Call arrived and a few minutes later Spinal Tap. 5:30 came and we got to it. Off like a dirty shirt.


Burpees countdown 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, 10
Mosey to tennis court


Burpees countdown 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, 10
Mosey to tennis court
4 CORNERS: Mountain climbers, Squats, Merkins, Lunges X 25 each.
Rinse and Repeat
Mosey to lower parking lot
Partner up, while one partner runs to and then Bear Crawls up hill partner does BLIMPS until partner returns (Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats
Mosey back to tennis court
4 Corners: Moutain climbers, Squats, Merkins, Lunges x 25
Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to flag


Spell “Crossbones” leg lift
1 minute leg lift hold


Prayer Requests for Spinal Tap’s M during her travels and for her Mother. Prayer for 2.0s of Spinal Tap and Cold Cut, prayers for all of our kids in the community and for men who are willing to support them. April 14th is roadside pick up; Saturday Storm the Stadium and March 24th is the CoopStrong event. Run, Ruck, Walk, Skip just sign up and be a part of this. F3 Superbowl Mud Run coming up. If you get to the starting line you will finish. I know this for a fact. Cousin It will Q his 1000th post Friday at #WestsideStory. I will be there good Lord willing.


The Pax pushed it this morning. While it doesn’t look like a lot this was not easy but it was simple. In the COT when talking about the Mud Run I wanted to encourage the Pax (2 more RESPECT MEN) to go for it. One of the things I’ve learned is that if I’m making something difficult or complicated or I’m focused on the barriers I’m doing it because I’m afraid I will reach my limit. That’s what I’m supposed to do and then go past it with the support of my F3 brothers, discipline and my faith. I have that feeling of impending doom for every Mud Run and at the finish with my brothers I’m glad I didn’t let it stop me. In the end I have had the experience of pushing myself beyond what I could do alone. Post.


TClap |