Curfew Crew

When: 06/02/2020 QIC: Past Due Pax: Past Due (RESPECT), Petey, Stern, The Closed Hand 0600 was the Curfew Run. After multiple route discussions, one was chosen…the ole out and back.  10th st. to Memorial.  We made good time and got back with 5 minutes to spare,...

ER Pitt Memorial

When: 03/05/2020 QIC: Past Due Pax: Aquaman, Gamecock (RESPECT), Half-Pipe, Hot Spot (RESPECT), Marta, Past Due (RESPECT), Petey, RedBox, Silverback (RESPECT), Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spalding, Stern, String Bean, Strokes, Tortoise (moved) YHC had the awesome...

Sunday Cross

When: 12/01/2019 QIC: Past Due Pax: Bench, Bono, Cable, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Floater (DOUBLE RESPECT), Gazelle, Grammar, Haavaad (RESPECT), Made Me Late, Past Due (RESPECT), Shake and Bake, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Tonka YHC stepped up to the call...

Save the tatas for Halloween

When: 10/31/2019 QIC: Past Due Pax: Duff, Gamecock (RESPECT), Half-Pipe, Hot Pursuit (RESPECT), Hot Spot (RESPECT), Mayhem (RESPECT), NoIDeer, Novocaine, Past Due (RESPECT), Rafiki, Shake and Bake, Silverback (RESPECT), Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spalding, Tonka,...

Zig Zag

When: 08/25/2019 QIC: Past Due Pax: Candy Cane, Cold-Cut (DOUBLE RESPECT), Cousin IT, Gazelle, Grammar, Harry Potter, Landline, Made Me Late, Noonan, Novocaine, Optimus (RESPECT), Past Due (RESPECT), Rafiki, Shake and Bake, Slim Jim (DOUBLE RESPECT), Spin Cycle,...