Great introduction to the next series using the book “Radical” by Pastor David Platt to explore some tough questions about what Jesus actually taught and meant in the New Testament, and how the church and Christians in affluent cultures are interpreting, perhaps falsely, some of the demands of discipleship.

Warm Up:  Introduction the material and introductions

The Thang:

  • Played DVD promotional segment and one of the testimonials from a man who had gone through the material and what it had caused him to reflect upon and change in his life.
  • Discussed several related situations
  • Set groundwork and expectations for the next six weeks
  • Introduced and welcomed FNG Bill Humbles – Name:  Fixer Upper


Put the word out to PAX.  This is going to be a challenging series and a bit rough “in-your-face”, but it has the potential for stir the 3rdF spiritual “pot” a bit, for the better.  Come on!


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