Pledge of Allegiance to begin in this land of the free.

SSH. Stretching Left and Right. Monarch wanting to pick Collards, so we did. Then he wanted arm circles, so we did. Enough of this. Let’s roll on. Softserve came and visited getting from Monarch a good description of being a site Q.     We might even be seen on F 3 TV…

Big Rocks were next, just one. Curls. Bent over Rowing. Squats. Overhead pressing. Chunk ’em back.

Lunge from Light pole to light pole to light pole in the parking lot. Backward lunging up to Mount Boyd Lee (Circle). Round up to the round building. The wind still was blowing. Vertical Irkins. WWII’s, Carlina Dry Docks, V-Ups, Merkins, Supermans, Yoga stretching with legs and backs, Flutter kicking. People’s chair…… Everything was with a count of 39. 39 was the target number. ..

MLK died when he was 39 in 1968. YHC provided a MLK quote when he received the Nobel Peace Prize December 10, 1964. “…We must always maintain a kind of divine discontent.” Anybody, go fact check ‘ol Cold Cut.

Heading back toward the flag, each man shared going back. Being the 6. How and who and when each got linked with F3. ‘Ronko’s egg-o-matic, is still a special tool which can be purchased for $19.95. Ask Tap or you can deliberate with Monarch!!!!

Time for Mary. WWI’s, American Hammers.

Where are you? Are we satisfied? Do you believe God has a plan for you and what’s being done to accomplish that daily plan.

YHC prayed us out. I have a dream. Fulfill such and serve. Monarch shared of friends and loved ones with Covid. Tap shared of his MIL and family, Short Round’s cousin Beth with a cancerous brain tumor. My brother Bob – from brain surgery. Holla out to PAX. It will not hurt.

Announcing: March is the Eastern Fleet Event, sign up!! Show Up!! Serve somewhere today.

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