YHC never knows what to expect showing up at BLP. You plan for a large number of pax and only a few show. Or quite the contrary you plan for a small number and have half of Greenville. Either way Monarch tapped YHC to lead this AM. The parking lot was looking mighty slim when I arrived however there were a few roll in just before 5:30. This is how it went down.

Warm Up:

Side straddle hops x 20 IC

Don Quxiote x 10 IC

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC

Michael Phelps x 10 IC

5 Burpees OYO


Mosey to the picnic shelter for 5-10-15-10-5 IC

Step ups



Indian Run to the sidewalk by the volleyball court for

Forrest to the sea

Bear crawl to marker

Mountain climbers x 10 IC

Crab walk back to start

Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC

Repeat the sequence with 20 repetitions

Indian Run to the intersection near the shelter for merkin mania (all x 10 IC)

Standard Merkin

Wide arm Merkin

Ranger Merkin

Staggered Merkin Left forward

Staggered Merkin Right Forward

Diamond Merkin

Dive bomber Merkin

Indian Run to the rock pile

Since the arms were kinda tired we decided to focus on the legs

Squat x 10 IC

Squat hold x 10 count IC

Monkey humpers x 10 IC

Repeat that sequence till YHC’s knees hurt and didn’t want to do that any more.

Indian run around the building and back to the flag.


Flutter kicks x 20 IC

Hello dolly x 20 IC

Freddy Mercury x 10 IC

V Up x 10 IC

J Lo x 10 IC

Hillbillies x 10 IC

6:15 hard stop


Prayer requests:

Injured pax


GORUCK Tough Oct 1 in Raleigh

The Bell rang and class was dismissed!

TClap |